Horse Pasture Rotation: Create Your Grazing Plan
Implementing a horse pasture rotation system is one of the best things you can do for your horses and land. When you rotate horses between

How Often Should You Wash Polo Wraps?
Keeping your polo wraps clean is important for your horse’s health and comfort. Typically, you should wash polo wraps after every 2-3 uses. However, if

How to Keep Your Horse’s Nose From Getting Sunburnt
The sun’s rays can take a toll on any exposed skin, including your horse’s sensitive nose. A sunburnt nose not only looks painful but can

Your Guide to Leasing a Horse
Here’s What’s Covered I love leasing horses. It’s something I’ve done for years, and even now I lease a Thoroughbred mare. For me, leasing a

Should I Wear a Ring While Riding?
A quick note: I’m an Amazon Associate so I earn from qualifying purchases. Doing so helps me pay for site upkeep and dressage lessons. If

How Do Horses Get Rain Rot?
Have you ever noticed your horse’s coat developing patches of scaly, crusty, or hairless skin after a rainy spell? It could be rain rot. Understanding